b' 17SUSTAINABLE CERTIFICATES AND PRACTICESPSP improved the buildings energy CECBThe Cantonal Energy CertificateHPE LabelCertification of high GenilacThe building is connected to theperformance significantly, creating a historicfor Buildings. Rue du March 40 went fromenergy performance.lakes network for heating and cooling. building with a sustainable approach.category E before the works to category B.The CECB indicates both the constructionsRue du March 40 meets the high energySIGs GeniLac is the largest ecological thermal energy efficiency and the amount of energyperformance standard for renovated buildings.system ever built in Geneva. The system usesA required for standard use. Buildings areThe Minergie Renovation label and equivalentwater from Lake Geneva and 100% renewable B RUE DU MARCH 40 labelled from A to G: from best to worst. certifications certify that the buildingelectricity. As a result, Rue du March 40C produces clean electricity for at least 20Wbenefits from a local, green resource. D per square metre of the total footprint.EFGRUE DU MARCH 40GENEVA'