b' 31FULL SPEEDAn outstanding backdropThe potential of the atrium was evidentAHEAD from the very first site visit. An aesthetic experience gleaming with transparency,it inspired images of product displays and dreams of greeting customers. The vast space is conducive to lingering and buzzing Launched in Geneva in 1904, Aeschbachactivity for a unique shopping experience.quickly positioned itself as a familyAeschbach saw that Rue du March 40shoemaker operating across a range of pricefitted into its growth plans. By openingpoints. Today the brand boasts 14 storeshere, the brand preserves its accessiblein French-speaking Switzerland, seven ofand family-run brand identity. But the new which are in Geneva, and employs aroundspace is also in step with the groups aim to 180 staff. With fourth-generation Sbastienpresent a more premium range, initiated inAeschbach at the helm of this family business,the 1990s. The store showcases this ambitionAeschbach is one of the rare firms to haveby highlighting textures, materials and finishes been around for over a century. Its madethat enhance the products. Rue du March 40its mark on the history of the Genevan highis ideal for hosting exclusive brands.street, and continues to expand today.A brand with a pastGenerations of Genevans have walked the beatin Aeschbach shoes. Moving its main store toRue du March 40 opened up new perspectives RUE DU MARCH 40GENEVAfor the brand. According to Sebastien Aeschbach, this is one of the best shopping spots in Geneva, and one of the citys most iconic buildings.Opening in Rue du March 40 puts thebrand back in the city centre, subtly adjusting its position compared with the quieter Rue du Rhne where luxury brands prevail.'