b' 19FROMActive on the real estate market since 1918,consultancy firm Halter is now one of Switzerlands leading construction and real estate companies. CONCEPTIONOffering guidance on land and building use and property development across both new-builds and renovations, Halters holistic approach spans everything TOfrom initial design right through to construction.COMPLETION Halter arrived on the Rue du March 40 projecttwo years after it began. The description of the works was complete and the traders and vendors were already engaged. PSP asked Halter to reassess the project and propose a detailed budget, keeping the trades and vendors already on board.With this updated information, PSP was able to negotiate before signing the contract.Once the contract was signed, Halter undertook to see the project through to completion as prime contractor, on time, within budget, and respecting high standards. Supervised by PSP, Halter developed the synergies necessary for the completion of the new Rue du March 40 project.Working closely with Halter, PSP was able to focus on the overall project and supervise all aspects.RUE DU MARCH 40GENEVANew concreteelevator shafts built up in the basement.'