b' 22Respecting local heritage Room with a view Old meets newAs the official architect for Switzerlands NationalConverting Rue du March 40 from dilapidatedHotels must be appealing and welcoming from the Sites and Monuments Service (SMS), Monoplanadministrative offices into a luxury hotel was anoutside. To ensure a dazzling entrance on Rue deis well-versed in heritage projects. Step one inarchitectural challenge. la Rtisserie, Monoplan designed a contemporary their work on Rue du March 40 was to liaise withThe interior had to be divided into 144 rooms, awning that compliments the buildings monumental the relevant authorities. From there, Monoplanideally the same size, which comply with highscale. It is a subtle modern flourish on the legendary conducted in-depth research to uncover thestandards. The courtyard rooms now have a view 12th-century faade.buildings historic, symbolic and aesthetic roots,of the basket arches on the loggias, the portico andConverting a building while keeping its heritagebefore submitting detailed plans for the work. the staircase. Genevas most stunning architecturalintact demands full understanding of the original The National Sites and Monuments Service cameachievements of the 17th and 18th centuries can architecture. The beautifully enhanced exteriorsback with guidance on what to keep and what tonow be admired from Place du Molard and Rue and interiors fully reflect the identity of the brands restore. This was not just a question of preservation:de la Rtisserie. occupying the building. Rue du March 40 testifiesin some cases original features that had beento the power of architecture to span centuries and subsequently altered needed to be recreated too. solve complex issues. Creating in a period building is always an architectural challenge. Respecting contemporary standards while respecting the beauty of the original design is primarily a constraint. The detailed project of Rue du March 40, approved by Genevas official monuments and sites department, featured what could be transformed, what must be preserved,and what must be restored to its original state.Monoplan paid particular attention to the restoration of the courtyard, the stairwell and the faade. For example, the architect travelled back through time, restoring the French windows so the faade reflected its original character.RUE DU MARCH 40GENEVA'