b' 24Contemporary roomsThe idea of a set number of small but perfectlyappointed rooms had inevitable impact on howthe architects set to delicately dividing the building.The citizenM hotel concept offers a single roomsize for the same price. But heritage buildingsare much less flexible than recent buildings ornew constructions. citizenM decided to bendthe rules for Rue du March 40.Complying with Geneva standardsGeneva is the first city in the world where Concretehad to review the citizenM concept to comply with fire safety regulations. The concept complies with Zurich regulations, but thats not the case in Geneva, whichmight surprise some members of the building sector.Many of the materials in the communal areas, suchas fabrics and woodwork, failed the fire resistancetest. As a result, the lobby design and furnishings and fittings, were adapted to meet Genevas standards.Quality experienceConcrete is responsible for curating the visibleimpression guests take away from their stay at thehotel. They select all the features to attract the eyeand create a comfortable and welcoming environment. Their work includes colour palettes, the overall aesthetic approach, and all the tiny details that contribute to the guest experience. They carefully choose works RUE DU MARCH 40GENEVAof art, fabrics, woodwork and furniture to create the hotels vibe. Vitra furniture highlights the cosmopolitan, contemporary and multifaceted feel of the venue.The guest experience is carefully thought out to strike the right balance between the communal spaces where people meet and the need for privacy in the rooms. Concrete doesnt just decorate; they design havens where the lifestyle creates well-being.'